Sunday, June 25, 2006

Oooohhhh make my over....

This is my last day as an oficial Volunteer and co-worker for the Ticket Service Point in the World Cup 2006. Up tomorrow, they are gonna play somewhere else and not every spot was in the "scalation" to be in the 4th`s.

These were days, which I can`t forget. Every single minute helping people with tickets, sitting next to the jornalists, talking with them, cleaning their tables, carrying their stuff, being in Mediazentrum, watching the matches, taking pictures and spinning around and making part of the World Cup 2006.

Today promises to be an amazing day too: Note-taker from Scolari after the match, that means I am gonna get some pictures with or from the players again...
I am sssoooo glad for staying with people these 2 weeks. Intense, sometimes stressful, switching between some languages, communicating...trying to do our best. WE haven`t just got some email addresses or phone numbers, this is something special, something that we probably won`T have in our lives again.

But I should also not forget what happens unter dem Tisch, OK?

And as the germans sing eveywhere: "Berlin, Berlin, wir fahren nach Berlin!"

1 comment:

Polingua said...

blog muito interessante.
parabens pela experiência!~

gostava de um dia poder fazer o mesmo!

boa sorte e até um dia!