Monday, November 24, 2008

Where is the love?!?


(Tell me!) Tell me; where is the love?
In a careless creation
When there’s no “above”
There’s no justice
Just a cause and a cure
And a bounty of suffering
It seems we all endure
And what I’m frightened of
Is that they call it “God’s love”


They call it God’s love
My pain is God’s love

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ontem foi o primeiro "dia de neves" por aqui...e hoje continua :)

Definitely a non-free-country

Vivendo na sociedade do medo...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Keine Wunder, dass die Guten dieses Land verlassen...

(Educacao e bom-senso têm um outro significado)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Essa nao foi das minhas...

Estávamos numa festa, e nunca tinha visto no mesmo lugar uma concentracao de (homem para mulher)/m^2 tao grande. Bom, estávamos no lugar certo: Toda hora alguém vinha falar alguma coisa. Seja do gelo moído da caipirinha no Brasil e temperatura de fusao, seja pra discutir preferência da salsicha que come ou para dar um cartao-de-visitas...

Ah, essa eu achei que era uma cantada de alemao: "Vocês querem comprar lingerie? Pensei, olhei, pensei de novo e disse: Nao!
Achei que era piada sabe...mas o rapaz de fato deu um cartao-de-visitas com endereco, telefone e website para fazer o pedido.
E olha que ele nao era feio...

Ai, ai...
"Vida louca, vida breve..."

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Super-massive black hole

1. Super-massive black hole (or black cloud, para os mais íntimos)
Well, it's been a long since I don't start a discussion here. It's been a long time, as well, since I don't have the time to organize things -in my head- and take a decision for the next step. Super-massive black hole? Maybe.

Life is running day after day faster. In a way faster that I feel sitting by the window trying to fix a spot with my eyes to figure out what's happening. Almost another half of the year is over.

Not that tragedy though. I'd rather have more time to think about life and not only have the work-eat-sleep routine. I always needed that. Sometimes I lack the vocabulary, the connections and all the creativity I usually had to figure new paths out. Friends tell me all the time I have the ability to see them where they still don't exist. Well, friends are most of the time very -suspicious- to tell you about yourself as well. But I prefer believing them.

At the moment I have thousand of question marks hitting my head -with the black cloud sometimes- with things I cannot answer neither have the control at the moment. I hope it makes me somehow to grow up. Broader view of life, broader understanding of people.

No hay una lengua que contesta todas las preguntas y esclarece todas las dudas. No está en la lengua.

2. Butterflies and hurricanes
The butterflies. Elas aparecem e desaparecem com os hurricanes. Intervalo de ocorrência indeterminado. It's how to slide from the top to the bottom in random intervals of time and have to be prepared for that. Lack of strength, weakness. Sliding up and down.

3. Time is running out
As the song says...
I think I'm drowning
I wanna break this spell
that you've created

you're something beautiful
a contradiction
I wanna play the game
I want the friction

you will be the death of me

4. The hardest part
I could feel it go down
Bittersweet, I could taste in my mouth
Silver lining the cloud
Oh and I
I wish that I could work it out

Thursday, November 06, 2008

the hardest part...

Bittersweet, I could (still can) taste in my mouth

Monday, November 03, 2008

Demand or deserve it?

Demand for respect?
Respect is something you deserve. How did you get there?
Respect as a human is related with the human you are.
Respect at work is also related with the human you are. Not with titles you have, not with the position you have.

Time is running out...

...and I wanna disappear
to the the fourth dimension
to the next challenge
for- and upward
far and far away
to the next battle
with old soldiers, soldiers returned from the last war
with old guns, guns survived from the last war
bleeding, still bleeding
but with my heart, intact