Tuesday, January 30, 2007

surviving in the jungle

Um pouco mais de informacao. Trabalho interessante, mas ainda precisa de umas "otimizacoes". -> Link

E agora outra coisa:
. Conheça seu horário mais produtivo
. Estabeleça prazos
Controle seu ambiente
Elimine as tarefas não-fundamentais

and keep walking...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

E foi ontem...

Ainda tenho que dar mais detalhes do nosso evento aqui ontem. No entanto, estou ainda exausta de toda trabalheira. Mas aqui vale uma frase que li num email hoje:

"Saber alemão é fundamental para fazer e manter contatos no país, é igualmente fundamental para não ficar como em um filme estrangeiro e sem legenda. (...)"

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Cheia de coisas para fazer: Cozinhar com ainda mais por vir, trabalho, aula, neve e frio.
Mas eu tinha que passar por aqui. Olhem a foto abaixo:

E so uma lapiseira. Por acaso, eu a havia esquecido na 2.feira e ja tinha dado como perdida. Hoje e 4.feira e ela estava lá, em cima da mesma mesa onde sentei há dois dias.
E nao e porque ninguem entrou na sala depois disso, e porque ela ficou lá. Ninguem tomou para si a "propriedade alheia".

A outra foto e do estrago que a neve fez no primeiro dia de 2007 que nevou, e do segundo dia do inverno de 2006/2007. Sem bike hoje, desculpe!

Monday, January 22, 2007

7 Tips to speak with ease...still working on

The words public speaking strikes fear in the minds of otherwise competent and confident small business owners. There are many ways to increase business exposure so why bother to overcome your speaking jitters? Stepping up to the podium not only positions you as an expert in your area of business but provides effortless referrals and improved sales opportunities.

Presenting a non-sales informative speech warms up your target market and builds trust. Unlike endless cold calls the people you present to and follow up with are more receptive to listening to your offering of products and services.

Overcome your fears of public speaking and boost your business with these 7 speak with ease tips:

Start Small: If you’re new to the world of speaking, start small.
Find a few friends and family to practice on. Begin by speaking to smaller groups and build up from there.

In my business speaking career I speak to groups of 30 to 3,000. One discovery I made is the size of the audience makes no difference. If you know your topic, you’re pre-speaking fears will quickly evaporate.

Prepare: Nothing helps ease the speaking fears than knowing your material. The ability to connect with your audience comes from having the confidence you won’t get lost during your delivery. Rehearse several times before the big talk. Time your presentation and always have back up material in case time is left over.

Don’t Memorize: Success in public speaking comes not from memorizing word for word your entire speech. The real pros know their material by remembering key points and prompts on sub topics and examples to cover.

Avoid Bullets: The majority of business presentations and speeches are boring monologues filled with endless PowerPoint slides and bullet points. Trash the PowerPoint presentation and make your material the focal point of the talk. If you do use PowerPoint, take the approach of using visuals that quickly convey your message.

Reduce Stress: The most fearful moment of any presentation is the one minute before your stage entrance. Use the tactic of elite athletes by visualizing a positive outcome and using deep belly breathing to reduce stress and build confidence.

Find a Friend: Prior to your speaking on stage introduce yourself to a few members of the audience in the front row. During your talk look these people in the eye to ease your nerves and connect with your audience.

Engage the Audience: Creating a monologue presentation puts the entire task of informing and entertaining the audience on you. Make your talk a two-way interaction with questions and participation to reduce boredom and speak with ease. Having the group involved also gives you time to reorganize your thoughts if things are going off track.

Make public speaking part of your marketing function and boost your business success. Your fears will evaporate over time and you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Para alguns, até que o frio é divertido

Weather forecast

Gracas `a previsao do tempo, a 5.feira termina mais cedo!
Motivo? Perigo de tempestade com ventos a mais de 100Km/h

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

broading old concepts

How signal theory broad old concepts. Nothing new between energy and power signals. But how about cutting out classical physic units and handle concepts, i.e. "power", "energy", "distance" without thinking about the definition?

power vs. energy

Monday, January 08, 2007

Accordingly to the news...and It`s also OK

...In relative terms, it wasn’t so long ago that the Information Technology department might have consisted of a single Computer Operator, who might be storing data on magnetic tape, and then putting it in a box down in the basement somewhere.

...Going forward, the Information Technology Department will be increasingly concerned with data storage and management, and will find that information security will continue to be at the top of the priority list. The job outlook for those within the Information Technology organization is extremely strong, with data security and server gurus amongst the highest paid techies.

keep walking

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Se o Darwin já dizia, porque eu vou duvidar?

"As espécies que sobrevivem nao sao as mais fortes ou as mais inteligentes, mas sim aquelas que conseguem melhor se adaptarem às mudancas ".

keep walking...

Saturday, January 06, 2007

52 hints how to gent more intelligent

1. Encontre o problema
2. ignore o tamanho dele
3. anote-o
4. anotar a solucao
5. anotar o que deu errado
6. e mais uma lista
51. outra lista
52. does anybody want to help with the lists? I really want get more intelligent...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Tópicos para 2007

Do your churros by yourself: immerse your churros in your chocolate cup. It tastes good!

Um amigo nos deixa hoje. Um pouco mais triste pela partida, um pouco mais feliz pelo sucesso dele. Boa sorte!

Um presente de tao longe chegou: Luvas, meias & winter equipment.

Uma mensagem de um outro amigo. Um pouco mais feliz que antes:
"Mantenha o pique, você tem um mundo de felicidade te aguardando:..."
"Acredite em mim, a vida vai ficar cada vez mais fácil. E acredite em você, porque eu acredito."

E eu nem precisei olhar para cima...as respostas vem por si mesmas. Acho que the magic está em como voce encara os problemas, e como voce arruma estrategias para eles.
Sem esnobar, mas muito obrigada pela sorte que eu tenho.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Tópicos de 2006

- Mülltüte
- "Garrafa" d'água
- Rolltreppen
- Degraus, muitos degraus, milhares de degraus
- Ring O'Bells (?)
- Vizinhos barulhentos...
- A mulher do pullover laranja, combinando com sapatos e brincos...
Ohhh, ya...und es gibt viel mehr!

schönes frohes neues Jahr!